This was the first year since I was in Australia that Katie and I have been apart for St. Patty's Day (and even then I had friends with me) :( And last year certainly topped the list of amazing St. Patrick's Days. So this year I meandered into The Corner Bar in Vancouver and found myself a great little place to celebrate. Between Roger, the two Irishmen, Paul and Mick and the Aussie Simon, my glass was always full, a smile on my face and good Irish entertainment the entire time.
But St. Patty's Day is pretty simple... drink and have fun!
Well my St. Patrick's Day was not celebrated quite like usual. It usually consists of lots and lots of beer starting around noon. It's definitely my drunkest day of the year. And by about 5pm I'm ready for a quick cat nap to only start drinking again. Ahhh, I love this holiday!! So it's easy to see that Kel and I celebrate this holiday 100% and with a lot of passion...last St. Patty's proved that! lol
This year was the complete opposite, but I had a lot of fun! My friend Danielle and I decided to make an Irish dish. Chicken with cabbage and bacon and BOXTY!! aka potato pancakes. Delish! It was good company and good eats. And later we watched "P.S. I Love You", which made me want to go to Ireland even more....

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