Regardless of that Katie and I had a blast helping out. I think our favourite part was the saddle seats at the top of the theatre. I mean, why doesn't every bar have saddle seats?! Honestly, I think I gasped so loud when I saw them that others around thought I was having a heart attack!THE best thing ever! BUT I could only imagine the trouble you'd get into while intoxicated. We weren't even drinking and still having a blast!

We each had lots of different tasks to do throughout the night. Some went well, some not so well, but we live and learn! It was my first time volunteering and well, I think I did pretty good! I was at the second table for check-in and it was quite hectic. I must say at one point I was very overwhelmed. But I got myself together and kept pushing. I am now ready for MMI and WARRIOR! My volunteering skills are much better than I thought!
I've gotta say though, one task I had was like a VIP task. lol. Speaking in an earlier post about the odds being in your favour....well what the hell are the odds that, with the exception of 4 of us on the team, everyone else was from Calgary, but Katie and I were the only ones who drove ourselves and knew our way around the city?! Again...apparently REALLY good! The girls who don't live here somehow....somehow, know their way around the city well enough to become a chauffeur for Mr. T Harv Eker...
I know, it's big! The Silver Century's first multimillionaire passenger. lol. But in all honesty, he's a rock star. We had some casual conversation in the Silver Century on the way to his hotel, but I was really focused....I was on a mission; get Harv to his hotel in one piece so he could sleep! He really is a super nice guy, very down to earth and very focused. I'll be honest, having him sitting next to me in our car was a bit of a wake up call for me to get my ass in gear...and he didn't even have to say a thing.
As far as Wealthy's a wicked program. It's short, it's sweet, it's to the point and if you're a Warrior...well you get to have a little fun too. I may not get this word for word, but last night the man who gave Peaks this quote was at the event and he shared... "A mountain is strong and tall by itself, but not until there are other mountains around it does it become a range and get put on maps."
oooo goosebumps! A-HO!
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