Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Happy Birthday Kelly!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Weddings and Wine
Well I think part of it was that we came back with a new set of eyes, or so we thought. Physically things have changed in some ways, but in the grand scheme of things we just re-inserted ourselves back into that world...hesitantly. We weren't quite ready to really take a break and found ourselves embarking on adventures of our own with friends from old places!
I headed to St. Catharines for a weekend of grape and wine action! A festival they have every year...And I must say it didn't disappoint. As usual, it was filled with live music, good times and great friends. And of course we went to The Chilli Pepper and Rockfords...where we partied most of the 4 years I attended Brock University. All in all a fabulous weekend!
And while I did partake in one evening of Grape and Wine -it would have been a sin not to :) - and shared my love for the band at the Chilli Pepper, I was off to the Kawartha Lakes region north of Toronto to watch one of my beautiful girlfriends tie the knot.
It's a long story to explain how I know both the bride and groom. Tim I've known since my first year in university and Kristi (T), I lived with my last two years of university. Somewhere in between, they met and the rest is history.
The wedding was absolutely beautiful and it was great to see everyone...and I mean everyone. It was like a Brock University reunion. Well actually maybe not Brock, maybe Ajax....or maybe those are synonymous terms, as at times, it felt like Ajax was taking over Brock and vice versa. On either side of the fence it didn't matter because the group of people there to support T and Tim were all amazing and many hold a little spot in my heart...and lots of crazy memories!
Much love to all of you, I love you heaps and heaps and can't wait until next time!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Made it to Michigan
Sunday, October 18, 2009
World's Greatest Marketing Seminar
Friday, October 16, 2009
Even and Burbo!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
August? When was that?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Return to Sanger...Birthplace of our Enlightened Warriors!
We had only been at Diane's for like 2 days and Katie and I were committed to being at Warrior and Wizard to volunteer in CA if that's where we were meant to be. Well, that's sure where we were meant to be because we were confirmed and leaving in two days within 5 mins of me sending that email! Talk about getting answers quick! And talk about going with the flow. :)
Back to the grounds where we first became Warriors last September. Something in the air, the energy, the heat...I was at home, every part of my being felt it. Writing it right now brings it all back. I guess it's that easy to go back to the places you want to go! Being in Sanger was like returning to the place I was born. It's a place that will always reinforce me of my power and remind me of my contribution to this world. Playing small is no longer an option, and everything I do is in line with my purpose. And well, the next two weeks at camp sure did want to test that!! lol. I'm not surprised considering it's the place where it all began...
We worked, we played, we laughed, and I know we cried. Two very different activities within two very different weeks. It was different than our camps up in Squamish, but a great experience in awareness, love and service. YES! We are so grateful for all our new friends, for the deeper connections with old ones and for being able to do and witness some of the most amazing shit ever!!!
A-HO and So Be It!
Thanks to Irma for some of the awesome photos!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Soft Rock in White Rock
The first night after camp Dad put Katie and I up in a B&B on the waterfront pretty much. It was absolutely beautiful. We spent most of the night chilling on the balcony overlooking the ocean or strait...I'm not sure...I think it was a strait, while munching on pizza and nachos. Although all the great food at camp was to be missed (especially the crumble), we 'preferred' something a little more on the less disciplined side of things for a change. Every day at camp I told Diane I was manifesting pizza in the lunch line, buuuut nothing. I wasn't surprised. Lol, so ya I was pretty determined to get some.
Diane was in our group for MSHG and was kind enough to extend an invitation for us to stay with her as long as we needed knowing that we really didn't have any plans made for our next move. Well after a FULL day of laundry and drying out wet belongings, we had our answer. We were off to California.
I love staying with new people and getting a glimpse into their lives. Diane certainly knows how to have fun. From our walk down the peer and gelato to awesome dinners, we had a blast in the company of her high energy and happiness! Birds of a feather flock together I guess :)Diane, don't forget your declarations! And thanks for the pics that we used in the MSHG vid!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Mind of Steel Heart of Gold
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Mamma Mullen in the Hiz-ouse!!!
The next day we started our week long adventure with Mama Mullen! We did a beautiful drive along the Sea to Sky Highway from Vancouver up to Whistler with a little stop in Squamish...as if we weren't already spending enough time there. It was nice to show Mom where we were spending the majority of our summer! And although it's not the same experience as being at camp, the view on the drive up in unbelievable and worth the trip!
We headed out to Vancouver Island and stayed with some family, Mike and Marlene, in Courtenay, BC. We didn't have the best weather or highest and best energy possible, but we had a good time anyways! Took a little drive up to Telegraph Cove and Port McNeil. Well it wasn't really little, but it created lots of space for us to chat and bond again. Being away from each other for 7 months can create some distance...nothing we couldn't gap though!
After a few days of just chilling we headed down to Parksville for the sand scultpure competition before heading back to the mainland. Artists from all over the world came to build and had some amazing sculptures! I think the theme was 'the olympics'.
One thing I know to be true is that my week spent with Mom was not about what we saw, where we went or what we did, it was about just being in the moment with an open heart and very much going with the flow of whatever was thrown at me.
Hmmmm,...the week was interesting. Although us three Mullen women had some grunts at the beginning of our trip, we worked through the knots. Three VERY different energies coming together as one after months apart....it's bound to happen! But that was normal. I knew that would happen. The interesting part was when the universe dropped a challenge into our lap. A challenge that tested us right to our core but did not defeat. The point of this banter...The lesson learned: The perfect house in the the perfect neighborhood with the perfect family and the perfect cars and the perfect friends...is a lie. It's a lie if you're not really LIVING. And once you actually start LIVING the life you've always wanted,....the 'perfect life' doesn't really matter anymore.
End note: I love my life! And my family!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
July Flew By!

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Enlightened Warrior Traning Camp
We arrived at camp much later than we had anticipated, but it was amazing all the same. Katie, Jess and I staked claim on the giant tent I had used the week before. Even though there were only 3 of us in there for the week, it looked like there might have been 6 the way it looked! Hey, we're Warriors, we do whatever it takes to get shit done...that meant having a messy tent!
We had an awesome crew to work with at Warrior camp. Lots of great, energetic people that all brought different elements of wonderful to the table! Like Gerry and his 'ad lib' drumming, Lori and her random a$$ injuries, Jenny and her Kundalini Harley Davidson ... As I'm writing I'm struggling to put into words what it was like to be on the krew for this event...there just aren't words, only intense feelings of gratitude, love and joy. Amazing, awesome, crazy, FUN, empowering, frickin fabulous, irreplacable.....to name a FEW.
Volunteering for Warrior was an awesome experience and I can't wait to do it again! Just like Kelly said it's hard to put into words...It's just one of those things that leaves you feeling all happy and gooshy inside. And it's so frickin cool to be a part of something that's so much bigger than you, and to know that you served well and changed peoples lives!
As a volunteer, we're processing and learning just as much as the participants. I was pushed slightly that week, but was ready and excited to take on whatever I had to do. I was put into a leadership role and although I was a little scared, I rocked it! It was so cool to know that I could lead and that people actually listened to me! haha. I tapped into a part of me that I never really used before and I had sooooooo much fun doing it!! Great to be back in the Warrior energy! A-HO!! (You were a rockstar at camp! You walked into camp one person and walked out a hot, powerful, confident woman...YEEEEOOWWW! haha I luv ya!)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I got a feeling, that Tofino will be a good time!
We arrived in Tofino with no idea of where we were gonna sleep and what exactly we were going to do while there. All we knew was that surfing was a must and chilling at the beach was a priority. With limited money and free spirit we decided to ninja camp! lol. We set up camp on a logging road that our awesome friend Alex told us about. We didn't really know if he was for real or not so we had to ask at one of the shops and they were like, "Ya totally go to this logging road and there'll be tonnes of spots for you guys to crash at!" It was sweet! There were only about 3 other groups of campers with the same idea....and they were no where near us! Even though we were in the bush in the middle of nowhere, we were happy. I think Deeds was a little worried at first but she had faith that Kel and I had it under control. And we did!
When Kel and I were in Calgary and met up with Dave and Brad we planned to meet up again in Tofino, along with another Brock alum Kenora. The rest of the week we basically all hung out together and went surfing! The ocean was FREEZING! But it was worth it! Kel and I couldn't wait to go surfing again, but Deeds on the other hand was a little nervous. For her first time she did awesome! Getting the wetsuit on and off was a bigger challenge than anything. lol. Thank God for the wetsuits though! I'd have been an icicle without one!
It felt so good to be in the water and crash against the waves. It was the first time Kel and I had been in water and been swimming all summer. We needed it! And we missed it! And if we weren't surfing we were at least on the beach! It was the most beautiful week ever. Perfect weather and an amazing place. Definitely a slice of heaven.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wizard Training Camp
I've got to be honest. I've been waiting for camps pretty much since I took them last summer. I set an intention to volunteer at at least 2 this summer, had no idea how or where it was going to work out and when I got those confirmation emails I was estatic!
I had been to both of the other camp locations in Ellenville, NY and Sanger, CA, but had never experienced the 'highly recommended' Squamish, BC site. WOW! It's everything everyone talks about and then some. Set in the valley between glaciered mountains....what's not to be amazed by. The trees talk, the wind whispers....well maybe I'm giving a bit too much of the Wizard experience away here... :)
Although Kel had been to Wizard, I on the other hand had not. And I was ready to go right after I did Warrior last September! My intention for the camp was to have fun....and well let's just say I had a frickin riot! I loved every minute of Wizard! And I had the BEST band ever! Full of love and light...and crazy too! I heart them all. Connected Creators = CHAMPIONS! hehe
And there definitely was no better place to do it than Squamish. One word, Magical! It's amazing and beautiful. And it feels like home.
Needless to say, it was an amazing week!!!
Great energy, great people, great transformations...new friends, new family and new perceptions. And of course a whole lotta love!
Words are little in comparison to how I felt so read this post for a deeper look at my Wizard experience from the 'other' side. :)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Old Friends in New Places...
We basically flew right through Banff and headed to Lake Louise. While we were walking up to the lake I looked over to my left and saw 2 people I haven't seen in months. My uni friends Dave and Brad were there! I was planning to meet up with them at some point but the universe thought then and there was as good a place as any. lol. HOW COOL! So we ended up spending the day with them. We sat by the lake for awhile catching up and enjoying the view. The guys seemed very appreciative of the beauty of it and the park itself. After tree planting for 2 months I guess you start seeing things in a new light.
Along with Lake Louise we headed to Lake Morraine, which I thought was even more beautiful, as if it's possible! Lake Morraine had a lot more character...it was rugged and secluded. It' also called the Valley of ten Peaks because there are ten huge mountains along it's base. It's gorgeous!!
After that we all headed to Johnson Canyon to the waterfall. It was, again, beautiful! Everything there is pretty wonderful. lol. The best part was the cave that we went through that took us right in front of the waterfall. It was cold and wet but awesome! Fresh glacier water! That's the other thing, all the lakes are very blue...it's really pretty.
Our afternoon in wilderness gave us growling stomach's which led to a quick grocery shop at Safeway. Being with other travellers on a budget is awesome! You start to appreciate grocery stores and coolers a hell of a lot more! And minivans apparently.....We had dinner in Brad's van in the Safeway parking lot. It was quite a set-up with lawn chairs and everything. We were quite cozy and the company was the best part! :)
We eventually made our way back to Canmore where we stayed with our cousin's inlaws, Moe and Garth. We hadn't seen them in a realllllly long time so I had forgotten what they looked like. lol. But they were very welcoming and had a beautiful home that Kel and I were very appreciaticve to have stayed in. We visited with them the next morning and they told us all about their travels to Europe. Can't wait to go there!
Another rainy day in Alberta didn't stop us from going to Jasper and seeing the icefields on our way. Now we saw the Athabasca Glacier and I must say I wasn't impressed. I thought it was going to be alot bigger and more like a glacier....but it really just looked like ice on a mountain. I guess that's what it is, but I just wasn't expecting that. lol. It was neat though, and something to see. We headed to the Athabasca Falls as well. Beautiful, but probably would have been gorgeous to see on a sunny day!
Finally we made it to Jasper. I like Jasper. It's alot quieter than Banff and more low-key. When we got there my friend Whitney, whom we were going to stay with, was at work. So to pass the time we headed to the local brewery, where else? lol. We eventually made it to her place and got to see where she lived now. In a lodge basically. She works for the lodge and lives there as well. It reminded me of residence life in uni, prolly not something I would like to repeat. lol. We just chilled all night and caught up with one another. It was awesome to be around old friends again. I'm getting excited to head back home in Septmeber and see everyone again!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Calgary Stampede...Day 2
If Kenny sat through a Grandstand Show, lived to tell and lived to tell others to go to it?! We had to go. Basically if he liked it, the possibility that Kel and I would like it are about 99%. Not because he's our cousin and we like the same things, but because Kel and I are like little kids and get excited about the smallest of things. Kenny on the other hand..not so much. So we did. When we left Lisa's it was sunny, when we got to the park it was rainy. It poured pretty much the entire 3.5 hours we were there. I think maybe for 45mins combined there was no rain....but it was worth it! Good thing I brought my little cover-up. lol.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Calgary Stampede...Day 1
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Warm-Up...The Day Before Stampede!
One of the Stampede Traditions is that local businesses have Free, yes free... :) pancake breakfasts every morning of the Stampede. Well CBC Radio, one of the official stampede peoples had their breakfast the day before the festivities even began! It started at 7am so Katie, Alanna and I got ourselves down there before 7 and were still behind almost 100 people! Yes, 7 am in the morning and there was a line all the way down the street. These people are keeners. I thought we were for being there at 7, but I guess not!
We were served by the Mayor of Calgary, Dave Bronconnier, who gave us each an extra pancake when he found out we were all the way from Ontario. I think he said, "You're hungry and weary travellers." I didn't protest, they were goooood pancakes! We moved down the line to get some sausage and then enjoyed the entertainment.
The hoop dancers name was Dallas Arcand and the Asian marching band came all the way from Tapei, Tawain. They were also in the parade the next day. We also met Harry the Horse, the official Stampede mascot. He was prety cool. Although he slightly resembles a giraffe....
That afternoon we were totally geeked about hitting up the Stampede. We went to our friend Lisa's house. Another of our childhood friends. Me and Katie and Lisa and her sister Stacey were inseprable when we were together. It had been a long time since seeing Lisa so it was awesome to catch up. She's quite the hostess! Lots of awesome food and good company. She took good care of us and made sure we didn't go hungry while we were there. lol.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Maybe the Most Random Stop Yet?...Edmonton!
A little back story. Katie and I grew up with Jason's sister Nikki (well him too). They lived across the road and we pretty much spent every moment possible with each other as long as we didn't hate each other or had something else to do. From dirtbikes, farm wagons, house, hide and seek, tree forts to tree climbing... So when we found out Jason wasn't doing so hot we really didn't question it, we just went.
We had no idea what hospital he was at, or how to get ahold of Nikki or their parents. So we just started calling every hospital in Edmonton. We found it, called to see if when we could visit and went. The first day he didn't look amazing, but I know I had expected much worse!
He was riding his bicycle to work and was hit by a truck resulting in something like 9 broken ribs, 2 collapsed lungs, some spine problems (maybe a break or fracture or something) and something with his hip...I didn't get it all, there was a lot to take in!
So when I first saw him I was impressed he was awake and coherent enough to chat and joke around. The second day we went back to pick up Nikki and take her to the airport and he was doing much better. They had given him a shave and he was in even better spirits than the day before. We're still sending our love vibes his way in hopes of the fastest and most awesomely amazing recovery ever!! lol. If you're reading this, please send some love. :) The more the better....couldn't hurt. Thanks!
Apparently the day before his accident he was asking his parents to come out west and they hadn't said yes, but the next day they were on a plane out there...obviously not for the reason they'd like, but the world works in funny ways. Makes you realize how quick things change and how little control you have over anything. I know it made me appreciate life more and the people that have been and still are in it today.
So other than hanging out at the hospital, Katie and I did catch the main attraction...THE West Edmonton Mall!!!! Since neither of us have been there, we weren't sure what to expect. But it was actually pretty cool. And very random. There's a water park, bungee jumping platform, amusement park, and a skating rink just to name a few. Sooo massive and a little overwhelming, but was a good distraction and had lots to see.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saskatchewan, naturally.
We pulled up to the Saskatchewan border...er, house...er, customs??? Simple is the best way to describe our border experience in Saskatchewan. Pen and paper and off we go! Our first stop was Bengough, where we decided to camp in a completely empty campground in gail force winds! That didn't fly so we slept in the car....
Our entire purpose for visiting this part of Saskatchewan was because our Grandma was born in a little itty bitty place called Horizon. Although it was actually populated and busy when she lived there it has since been pretty much abandoned, but preserved as a community area. Right along the train tracks, there are grain elevators, church and a few random houses. But oddly enough, my Gram's house is still standing...beat to crap by the years and weather it's seen, but still standing.
We saw where her dad and brother were buried and where she was born. It's a bit surreal, like many other things on our journey, to sit and imagine what it would have been like in the 1930s in the middle of Saskatchewan without anything even remotely close to what we have now in the way of communications and electronics. Now that's another lifetime!
After that we pretty much headed up to Regina, hoping to get a call from our friends there, but no dice so we just kept going, just like the land in Saskatchewan. (haha) Through Saskatoon and into Alberta. We passed a place called 'Findlater'. We laughed pretty hard. Find-Later. Please tell me you got that :)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dead Prezzies and a Crazy Horse!
Our first stop was Crazy Horse. The biggest rock sculpture in the world (no where near finished) in honour of the Native American Crazy Horse. The monument is meant to honour all Native Americans and their culture. The laser show was sick.
Our second stop was, well technically, the Flintsontes parking lot! I had to see it. You could actually go in the park but I think you had to pay and I didn't want to spend any money. lol. Plus the parking lot was entertaining enough. But after that it was Mount Rushmore aka. Dead Prezzies as per Katie. Little did we know that the sculpture isn't even finished, nor will it ever be because the rock under George W will collapse if anything else is blasted from it....Poor Honest Abe's head isn't even totally sculpted...he's still hiding in the rock.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Father's Day!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Just as good the second time around...
Aurora is always a good time. I say that like I've visited there a million times, but I guess the company is what makes the difference. So we arrived a day early. We crashed again. A whole day of driving wipes you out!
Friday was pretty relaxing...well for RJ anyways. After a massage from Kel he got a short one from me, but it soon turned into me doing his hair all pretty. lol. He quite enjoyed it, and it was actually his idea. Later we went to the Movie Tavern and watched 'The Hangover', which by the way is hilarious. So hilarious! Especially since we had just been in Vegas. We didn't just watch the movie, we got to eat too! It's not like a normal theatre, half the seats, big comfy chairs and a menu with good food and drinks!
The boys went to a wedding that night and Katie and I hung out at the house, put together some videos, hung out with their roomate Cassara and drank some wine. We only remembered RJ's warning about drinking in altitude the morning after...if you're not used to it, it'll kick you in the ass A LOT quicker than you think!
Saturday night was just as fun. After a day of movie after movie after movie, 'Fired Up' is a great flick by the way. 'Fired Up' is actually really funny. I thought it was gonna be another stupid movie, but it was another stupid movie that was actually funny. We decided to try our hand out at our own gymnastics! RJ and I had handstand contests, although I'm not sure we were really competing, but that quickly turned into skating...singles then pairs! YES! I finally got to be a pairs skater. That was my dream my whole skating career but I was too tall! RJ and I had the most amazing lift and I am so proud! Thank god RJ is big enough and strong enough to lift me so smoothly! :D
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Rodeo in the Rain
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
And the best part....WILD HORSES! It doesn't sound like much, but it is unbelievable. They are such beautiful creatures and watching them run was amazing. I swear it's almost like your watching them in slow motion because your brain can't register how beautiful they really are in real time. And then before you know it they disappear over a hill or something and you wish you could watch them all day. It's so incredible!! I love horses by the way, if you didn't get that already. :)
When we arrived at the park we didn't see any, and we were thinking maybe it wasn't gonna happen for us. Then as we turned a corner we saw a mama horse and a babay. As we turned the next corner there was the most gorgeous blonde male horse waiting for them at the top of the hill. So cool! So we hung out with them for awhile and then cruised looking for more. We were blessed near the end of the day when we got the chance to see two horses running together in the hills in the distance. Awesome!
Along with the horses the landscape was amazing. It was actually really rough and harsh but still amazing. And it's clear Mother Nature rules the show here. Kel and I were thinking about camping but it was a little intimidating. I think the land belongs to the horses anyways...there are about 250 of them. I would love to see them all!! lol.
Bighorn was amazing. Katie pretty much hit it on the head. It was absolutely magic.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Montana...Big Sky Country
We drove straight to Billings (not sure why) and stopped at the visitor's centre. Not much was going on. Well we stopped in Livingston, which was a beautiful little town, for information. They didn't have much, but we took in the original architecture and the mountain backdrop for a little before hitting the higway. Plus I got a travel book with a Bingo game in it! Kept me occupied the entire way to Billings! We did however meet a very nice lady who worked there, (at the visitors centre in Billings, her name was Shirley) and although she was helping us figure out what to do in Billings, nothing really appealled to us as much as that bed and that shower. lol. (And it was the best shower ever! I must say...I could have stayed in there for hours.)
After eating dinner at Denny's we got a hotel room and crashed! Watched Las Vegas, which cured our desire for more Vegas energy..and we repacked out bags again, always trying to figure out what's the best way to organize all our stuff. But it's usually put back relatively in the same way. Oh well. We have come to the conclusion that when we get back home we are leaving ALOT of our belongings behind. Living simple has a whole new meaning. Even all the stuff we left in Vancouver to pick up when we go back is just too much stuff. You can always pick up what you need wherever you are and really...for the number of shoes I packed in February and the number of times I've worn my runners and flipflops, there's just no need for all the other ones!
Aside from that, Montana is a beautiful state. The mountains in the West and the rolling hills in the East. That big blue sky is forever reaching to the next bend and new heights. One of many pieces of paradise.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Knock knock...Park Ranger
It was raining in the morning when we left the campsite so we stopped to take a few pictures in case we didn't have a chance to get anymore, but a few hours later it cleared up enough for us to do a little trail and have a picnic. Katie was a little scared of all the bear warnings and scarfed down her lunch and packed up for fear that bears were going to find us :). In all fairness there were A LOT of bear warnings and maybe I can be a little non-chalant at times...I think that serves me; and my sanity.
Grand Teton was a beautiful place to see, but we soon head up to Yellowstone National Park for some more adventures.
Yellowstone is like the Disney of geothermal activity. I saw geothermal activity in New Zealand when I was there, but this was WAY more impressive! We made it through the geyser section of the east side of the park and then looked for a place to camp. Well the entire park was full so when we decided it was time to go to sleep we found a parking lot in the park and parked. Then 1am rolls around and:
"knock knock...park ranger. Are you aware it is illegal to camp in a parking lot ma'am?"
To which I replied no, while Katie is still sleeping in the back. As he took my license and reg over to his vehicle I pretty bluntly asked, "So are you going to be giving me a ticket or no?" Thankfully the answer was no, well it was 'we'll discuss that later', but I knew it was a no just by the uncertainty in his voice when he answered that.
So we got to spend the rest of the night in the visitors centre parking lot where the park rangers could keep a 'close eye' on us. I mean, we weren't worried about crazed maniacs running through the forrest to attack us, but I guess maybe in our sleepiness we failed to recall the information we had read about the strength of grizzlies and the potential danger wildlife and nature would pose. Lesson...Have a plan before you get too tired!
We headed out of Yellowstone at a good pace the next day...they had our information in the park system incase we'd be camping illegally again! We saw tonnes of wildlife...everything in the paper except for a wolf. Yes, a wolf. That was the only thing I wanted to see, and didn't. But that's ok. I'll be sure to find one next time. I'd go back for a longer time anyday.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Is this what the moon looks like?

It's a pretty wierd thing to see. On our way into the park there were rolling, green, velvety hills to the left and harsh, jagged, awkward rocks to the right. Strange. Really strange. The craters were actually once volcanoes, and some still are I believe. Well there are volcanoes, but the craters, I think, are like parts of lava flows that shift and stuff with the earth. I dunno...that's my scientific rendition of it. Although there isn't much there, it is interesting to see. The land, for miles, is all rock. And it's not like anything I've ever seen before. We walked up to the top of one of the mounds/volcanoes and we could see for miles. It was pretty surreal really. Middle of nowhere, standing on an active (well sort of) volcano looking out over all kinds of lava rock formations for miles. Like the moon...eerily quiet and amazingly beautiful all the same.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Boise Boise Boise
We were driving to Boise in the rain to my friend Kelly's place. I met Kelly at Guerilla Business School in March. It's so easy to meet new people and make amazing friends! Especially when we share the same name. I mean, every Kelly I know is pretty damn cool. We got to Kelly's around dinner time and we were greeted by his dog Cocao...she's a cutie! We filled our bellies with AMAZING Mexican food and we were pretty much done after that! OMG, best Mexican food I've ever had! So delicious!
The next day we chilled most of the day with Emily, his girlfriend's daughter, until he got home. And then the adventure of Idaho began...
The guns weren't really scary, it was how comfortable I felt with them that scared me. I had a pretty good shot too, it felt quite natural! I had a better shot. Beat her everytime..sorry Kel, had to rub it in. I was pretty nervous about holding a gun let alone shooting one, but it was an awesome experience and I had a blast! I felt pretty fierce. I'm hardcore now. haha I'll just tell myself that!
We went for a drive to Warm Springs Mesa where we looked over the 'City of Trees' (Boise). It's wierd to think that you can look out over a city and see more trees than you can skyrises! Then we hit up Olive Garden for dinner. Oh baby...that was damn good!
Thanks again for everything Kelly! We made it to Wyoming no prob!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Utah Yeehaw!
Utah is a beautiful state. The I-15 runs straight through the state with mountains and large hills on both sides. I'm guessing that the majority of the population of Utah lives in that valley that runs through the ranges. It's beautiful, so beautiful we decided to camp there!
We stopped at Yuba State Park to set up camp. It was a really pretty lake with campsites along the beach. We set up camp and built a wicked fire and pretty much soaked up the stars and nature, including the rain. Yes, the rain didn't stop us. It did inconvenience us slightly when we had to cover all the food and ourselves just after we got everything out and ready. But we managed to beat it out and thank goodness we have rain jackets.
The next morning we packed up and drove up to Salt Lake City. We didn't stay long and I know Stacey and Grant will be disappointed we didn't check out the Temple....woopsy. :) We liked Utah, but we wanted to get to Idaho!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
This was my first time in Vegas and I must say it is Disney World for adults. There is sooo much to see! You can't fit it all into 2 days. And that's all we had. And of course I wanted to see every hotel, inside and outside, on the strip. So that took up most of our time. I LOVED the Paris casino. It was my favourite! Old downtown was also a must. Freemont Street is very cool. The digital roof show thing is amazing and there's lots of interesting people. Like chipanddale guys who hit on Kelly. haha. Anyways, I can't wait to go back. We didn't get much nightlife in due to time, exhaustion, and money, but that's ok. Next time!
Ooooo Vegas was fun... not really sure there's much else to say about that! Sweet room, sweet deal, sweet weather. It was damn sweet!
Once we left Vegas we headed to the Hoover Dam which was only about an hour drive. It was quite cool. We didn't take a tour because it cost money and we
thought it wouldn't be anything special, but apparently, we were told a day later, that it's the best thing there. So if ever at Hoover Dam take the tour!! lol. I just thought it was cool that on one side of the bridge I was in Nevada, and when I crossed to the other side I was in Arizona. The Dam is right on the state line.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Goin Goin Back Back to Cali Cali
The majority of my week was filled with reading....5 books in 4 days. The books were by Nora Roberts...a four book series, Captivated, Entranced, Charmed, and the last one Enchanted. So good!! And yes, I read that many books > to anyone who is reading this right now and thinking to themselves, 'Katie was reading? 5 books?'...lol. Anyways, it was lovely, and Lois couldn't have been better company. We had mini-reading parties, as I would like to call them, we also walked the dogs in the park, made our way to Universal City and made mushroom chowder together. And our Saturday night was filled with excitement! lol. We watched all 3 Cheetah Girls movies thanks to Disney Channel while enjoying a roaring fire. Yes, we had a fire. It was actually fairly chilly in L.A. while we were there. Ok, so not an extremely exciting night, but I enjoyed it none the less. Along with my new friend Lois, was Jack the dog. lol. He was adorable and I loved him. And he was more than willing to let me give him my love in the form of belly rubs and back scratches.
And I learned all about investing and played with my friends...that sounds like a 10 year old, but I really do have a tonne of fun every time I'm at an event! Learning about investing made fun? If they can keep my attention for 4 days on that topic, they must be doing something right.
But of course I had to create a little fun of my own...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Crater Lake

The lake itself is fed only by snow and rain and it has no river run-offs. It's sooooo blue and eerily quiet when you're up there. It's at or a bit higher than the cloud line, at least this day, and there were thunder storms going on around us. Very cool to watch from a higher perspective. A must see when in Oregon.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Multnomah Falls and Remnants of Twilight!
Because we had such beautiful weather while we were in Oregon we decided to hit up Multnomah Falls for the afternoon. It was amazingly beautiful and wonderful. We then decided to have a picnic overlooking the Columbia River Gorge. After our lunch Kathy showed us the spot where the final prom scene from Twilight was filmed. It was gorgeous and had an amazing view! And it was really cool being just being there. It wrapped up our 'Twilight tour' quite nicely. Hopefully the next step will be to actually meet some famous celebrities! lol.
Friday, June 19, 2009
A Saturday in Portland
The actual market was pretty big and had lots of cool vendors and entertainment. There were also a lot of different artists, which I think a large portion of the people of Portland actually are. Portland definitely has a different vibe to it though. Can't quite put my finger on it yet. It's actually a little strange. There's a lot of punk-pop youth there. Sounds odd but there's no other way to describe it. lol...Anyways, I bought a hat, and we browsed all day, there were some amazing booths! And of course, we ended the afternoon with a beer at a local pub.
That night we hung out at Kathy's and had a delicious dinner which consisted of taco ingredients in the form of a lasagna. So good! And then hung out all night and talked. It was a good girl's night in!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Just Do It!
I have 2 favourite parts. The walkway at the main entrance where you have to walk over little gaps in the cement that signify that the path to success always entails overcoming some obstacles, and the museum thing with Prefontaine's quote. "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. "
My favourite part was all the beautiful people. Everyone there is so gorgeous! haha. I also loved the huge basketball court, and of course all the free Canadian gear Kathy got us! :) Watch the second half of the video for a fashion show/weird picture montage/crazy outfits from Kel and I. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
We Have Family In Portland?
Sorry Kathy! I couldn't resist!! She's kind of a celebrity magnet. When she was at the US Open in NY with her Aunt, Tom Cruise was sitting in front of them. This was way back when he was still dating Minnie Driver. But my favourite story comes from the Nike World Head Quarters. A lot of sports stars actually have offices at the HQ, such as Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong and Tiger Woods to name a few. When those guys are on 'campus' as they call it, you can't ask for pictures or autographs or ask questions or anything. So one day Kathy was working out in the gym next to a big black guy. It took her a while to put the pieces together until he asked if she was OK. Her reply was, "I can't believe I'm working out with next to Michael Jordan." And his reply was, "I can't believe I'm working out next to Kathy Mullen."
We're all just people doing our thing...we're all put here to do exactly what we do best, whatever that may be. Yes or yes!
Love ya girl!